The Mid-Term EVS training
EVS dobrovolník Mladiinfo ČR, Ricardo, sdílí v angličtině své zážitky z tzv. Mid Term tréninku, který pořádá pro všechny dobrovolníky Evropské dobrovolné služby Česká národní agentura pro mládež.
After four months of living in the Czech Republic, it was time to participate in the second EVS training, led by the Czech National Agency. It’s called the Mid-Term. This training is related to the first training On-Arrival. Most of the time, both trainings are with the same volunteers and the line of learning is the same.
I mean, on the first training you learnt how to face the upcoming months and how to develop a good project for your volunteering. At the Mid-Term, when you are in the middle of all stay, you learn how to value what you have done and what you can change. Besides, it’s a good tool for thinking about the future after EVS, and for keeping in touch with the National Agency, just in case there are problems.
The beginning
All of us were looking forward to the Mid-Term, and now it has already come. All the volunteers from On-arrival kept in touch after the first week we were together. Our friendships were based on trips to visit each other, and on the information we shared with each other. We had good times visiting Ostrava, Prague, smaller towns. Being all together again, in a kind of resort, seemed exciting, especially after the first impression of the place was confirmed. It was perfect, next to a lake, composed of cottages. It seemed like a setting of the movie Dirty Dancing. We were divided into different small houses. We could see horses roaming around from our windows. Once everybody was settled down, we were ready to start the lessons.
.Seeing everybody again was cool, because we make a good group. All of us are different, of different nationalities – France, Russia, Armenia, Germany. No matter who you’re talking to, the conversations are always interesting. Moreover, there is atmosphere of confidence which helps in playing games and to trust each other. It isn’t easy for everybody but it’s interesting how shy people open up after a few days. It might have been scary for them at the beginning but everybody shares what they want to share – no less, no more. And afterwards, there are only funny moments.
What we did
The lessons and games are about what we have to know in order to do a good volunteering service. For example, learning about about the Youthpass, talking about our plans and reflecting our experiences. To me, the most useful game was one in which we should discuss our goals for the future. We were in couples and talked about the steps to achieve what we want while having a walk around. Another highlight was playing volleyball once the official program was finished.
One of the days, we made a trip to Český Krumlov, a beautiful, small town full of tourists. We competed in groups in doing different tasks, like counting the amount of different languages we heard around us and that’s how we got to know the place. Even though the weather was not the best, we managed to get a good overview, I think.
The farewell
All in all, this mid-term-training was not only helpful for dealing with the future but we also had a really great time together. The possibility of meeting such different people from different cultures but with similar struggles and thoughts on their minds is important for understanding your own situation. Furthermore, it is more than exiting to interact with people from different life situations and to become friends with them.
After 5 days together, working on ourselves and partying when we could, it was time to say goodbye. It was a really good experience and I would recommend itto everybody.