Shape the green future

What was the Erasmus+ project week like? What was the best part and why you should participate if you haven’t yet? Find all answers below 🙂

Mladiinfo regularly organizes Erasmus+ projects. Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. I was lucky to be at one of those as a part of an organizer’s team.
So our youth exchange week is over, participants are traveling to their next destinations, and the facilitators are mulling over the past week. H
ow was it?

Erasmus+ project
This is us!


One place and one topic gathered so many different people. Both participants and facilitators created a wonderful moment, full of fresh ideas on how to make our world a better place. Diversity is a queen of the youth exchanges like that. The program was well prepared because of the variation of educational exercises. Participants dived into the complicated topics through games and interactive techniques.  I think everyone found an activity that they liked the most. So it’s an advantage of a program.

United Nations role play

An additional bonus

Facilitators contribute to raising the level of eco-awareness by providing the participants with activities that helped to expand their knowledge about the issue. The participants did their best to manage all the tasks. In my opinion, it’s very important to keep the program interesting for both well-informed and not-so-well-informed people so that everyone will find it helpful.

An additional bonus of the program was the focus on teamwork and teambuilding. For me, it was a sign that people can change their future via teamwork only.

Outdoor cooking was fun!

The best part of the Erasmus+ project

Through interactive activities, participants shared their ideas with each other and discussed the main problems of climate change and possible ways to solve them. I really liked the concept of unity while working on the issue. It shows how the whole world should act. There were a lot of tasks that required out-of-the-box thinking which gave the participants a chance to express themselves. There were also educational sessions during which participants dived deeper into shaping the green future topic.

Answering the question of what was the best in the program I would say the people. Great team and great participants perfectly matched. I’m sure that we all will meet in a greener future.

Energizers are the MUST!

Why you should participate?

If you would like to get a unique experience of informal studying, meet like-minded people, contribute to solving global-scale problems, expand your knowledge or practice English then this program is perfect for you. There are many different topics for Erasmus+ projects, just find the one that suits you the best and apply for it. 
An amazing journey always awaits you. 

Find out more about Erasmus+ youth exchangea in a fun way in this video!

Interested in enviromental topics? Check out and download mini booklet about sustainibility for free.

Tento projekt byl financován z prostředků Evropské Unie.