Nabídka volných míst na EVS do Polska

Baví vás práce s dětmi a rádi byste si vyzkoušeli pracovat v mezinárodním prostředí společně s dalšími nadšenci? Dnes vám přinášíme nabídku EVS do mateřských škol a jedné základní školy v Polsku. V následujícím textu najdete více informací v angličtině o otevřených dobrovolnických pozicích.

The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is searching for 14 European volunteers to work in disabilities project. The project starts in October 2018 and finishes in June or September 2019, depending on the hosting organization.


These activities will take place in Poland in 7 receiving organizations: 3 special kindergartens, a regular kindergarten for children with special nutritional needs, a primary school with integrative classes, the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation and European Integration Club at the School Complex. This last organization is located in Wojkowice in the Silesian region but the rest is based in Warsaw.

Project and values:

Work on disabilities focuses on abilities. The project tries to promote values like solidarity, tolerance and respect human dignity and rights while volunteers work with people at risk of exclusion or marginalization.

Conditions to apply:

  • 18-30 years old

  • legally residing in one of the Program or Partner Countries

  • motivated

  • looking for volunteers able to know some crucial phrases and vocabulary at the moment of project starting because the target does not speak other languages.

How to apply:

If you want to participate, you have to fill out the application form and send to The title has to be „APPLICATION 2018„. The deadline is 13 May and if you are selected, you will be contacted between 15-30 May.

More information:

More information and official application form:

Volunteering in Poland 2018-2019

Application Form, Erasmus+ Volunteering in Poland 2018-2019


Zdroj: The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation