Přihlaste se na školení Job Hunting DIY
What is it about?
The training course aims to empower youth workers, leaders and organizations from the Visegrad countries (V4 – Czech republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia,) in communication and employability skills, focused on the field of international development.
The objectives of the course are
- to develop communication and employability skills of youth in the V4 region
- to increase youth employment in the V4 region
- to increase the awareness of international development
When, where, who, how?
Date: (Sun) 24 April to (Sun) 1 May 2016
Venue: Litomysl, Czech Republic.
Who: The training course is organized by Mladiinfo CR in cooperation with Egyesek, Diera do Sveta, Positive Impact Centre
For whom: youth workers; trainers, volunteers and/or members of youth organization(s); university youth leaders
How: 24 participants, aged 18-30, from the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).
Working language of the training course will be English.
The course will include activities that will build and develop your self-awareness, communication and employability skills. We will get insights into the V4 region and into the field of international development.
Costs: This project is financed by Erasmus+ programme. Accommodation, food and 70% of travel costs will be covered by the course funds.
Why apply?
- You will gain essential communication and employability skills to be able to independently engage in a job market: You will learn how to read job ads and how to write and tailor your CV and cover letter. You will learn how to network, how to act on a job interview and much more.
- You will be more aware of your communication and employability skills.
- You will improve your sense of self-initiative
- You will increase your intercultural sensitivity; awareness of the Visegrad region and of international development cooperation.
- You will be able to multiplicate gained knowledge and skills.
Can I apply?
You can apply if you
- are aged 18+
- are from the Visegrad countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia
- are a youth worker; trainer; member and/or volunteer of youth organization(s); university youth leader
- have been active or interested in youth work and/or international development
How do I apply?
Fill out this application form.
Deadline for applications: 1 March 2016
Date of selection: 10 March 2016